LogiPharma USA 2024: Critical Conversations Between Supply Chain Teams During API Sourcing


Lucy Alexander, capabilities lead, global supply chain and strategy, AstraZeneca, discusses critical conversations that supply chain teams and partners must partake in during API sourcing at LogiPharma USA 2024.

At this year’s LogiPharma USA conference in Boston, a panel titled “Conveying Key Goals and Strategies Across the Value Chain,” discussed how collaborating with distributors and other logistical partners takes consistent and clear communication across the vast systems and networks that the pharmaceutical industry operates in. In an interview with Pharma Commerce, Lucy Alexander, capabilities lead, global supply chain and strategy, AstraZeneca, and a participant of the panel, offered a synopsis of the panel and spoke of challenges in communication across the value chain.

PC: What are the most critical conversations supply chain teams should prioritize with their partners when sourcing APIs and distributing finished products?

Alexander: Prioritization is a tough one. Most vendors are serving multiple customers. So, I think there’s a few things that need to be done. One is really having that very transparent conversation about what you’re trying to achieve as a company and again, the why. We talked a little about this on the panel. A lot of strategy is about deciding what you're not going to do as much as what you are going to do. Those can be tricky decisions to make, but then I think it's really important for partners to understand how you came up with that What are the drivers? What are the variables? Because not only will that help them understand better what you're trying to achieve and why, but they also can be more proactive as they see changes that relate back to some of the assumptions you made. Then, they can anticipate changes and adjustments that have to be made. think that's a really important conversation to have, and then to have that on an ongoing basis. Again, I'm a big fan of transparency and communication, because we’re all human beings. We can’t operate in a vacuum. We're not machines. I think those ongoing interactions are really important too.

Full Interview Summary: The panel on conveying key goals and strategies across the supply chain emphasized the importance of alignment throughout the supply ecosystem. Misaligned goals can lead to confusion, with teams misunderstanding both the "what" and the "why" of tasks. Ensuring clear communication from corporate strategy down to individual objectives is essential for successful execution, not only within the organization but also across partnerships. Effective collaboration with partners is crucial, particularly in aligning priorities and understanding the drivers behind strategic decisions. Regular and transparent communication helps partners proactively adjust when business dynamics change.

In addressing supply chain conflicts, the panel noted the frequent occurrence of conflicting priorities. Organizations may have diverse focuses, such as cost reduction or digital transformation, which can create tension when balancing these against other objectives. The key to resolving these conflicts is transparency, ongoing communication, and a mutual understanding of each other's goals. In some cases, compromises can be made, or creative solutions may emerge to meet a majority of the objectives.

The speaker also shared an example of effective communication in supply chain management, where understanding operational constraints led to more collaborative problem-solving. This approach underscored the speaker’s belief in the role of supply chain management as a mediator between different organizational needs.

As the supply chain landscape evolves, skills like storytelling, negotiation, and trust-building will become increasingly important. Simplifying complex situations through storytelling can help align stakeholders, while negotiation ensures win-win solutions. Finally, building trust, especially in an increasingly digital world, remains a critical component of successful partnerships.

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